Everything has a beginning, but it is not always remembered. Just like the first step on the moon. Not everyone knows who it was, not everyone needs to know. However, if you are the owner of that first step, it would not be a bad thing to remember this bright event even after 50 years.

No, this will not be news of an ancient and important human event. This message is a comparison to the events of my life. I can hardly call myself a traveller at the moment, although I would like to be. Of course, in a sense I am in the modern sense, because I don’t even have to leave the house to travel all over the world, but this digital travel does not bring the joy and the wealth of memories that real travel can bring.
I will be real!
“I will be real!” sounds like a new year’s resolution, and in the true spirit of tradition, such a resolution should be postponed for at least one year, so this will not be a resolution to postpone. It will be a motto, not one to chase against the wind, but one that carries easily and brings pleasant memories.
Human life is like a moment in the wide world. And in my opinion, if you want to live that moment again and again, then it is a life damn well lived. It should therefore be filled with events that reinforce that sense of ‘more’. And this time it’s travelling, digitally documenting events and catching great feelings!
The introduction is arranged. The low start is set. Time to sound the starting signal!