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Terms and policy

Cookie Policy

When visiting the website, the user is presented with a window with a message that the website uses cookies. If you accept cookies, the legal basis for the use of cookies is the user’s consent and you confirm that you have read the information about cookies and the purposes of their use.

Why does use cookies? uses cookies to help improve your user experience and ensure that the website works properly.

Information about cookies

You have accessed the website using a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, Opera or other. Cookies are information that the browser collects and stores when you use this website. The next time you visit this website, the browser will remember your actions and do some of them for you, such as choosing a working language or controlling the display of a cookie message. Through the use of cookies, the website gains the ability to store the individual settings of the visitor’s browser, recognise them and react accordingly. The information associated with cookies is not used to personally identify you and the data about your navigation is under our control.

Detailed information about cookies, their types, use and deletion can be found at

Detailed description about terms and policy is available on the blog original language.